
Friday, December 15, 2006

Prayer to start the New Year

Prayer to Establish Us As Living Stones
Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before Your throne. I repent for being so stuck and focused on the past that I have been unable to see Your destiny for me.

I repent for not rightly discerning Your presence.

I repent for not acknowledging Your presence when you have acknowledged mine.

I repent for asking you for things that You have already done and are doing.
Lord I repent for not using my keys to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.

Father, I repent for looking to man for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel and into my flesh for might, strength, ability. Forgive me for being arrogant, disrespectful and for not honoring Your Spirit even as it comes forth through others. As you forgive me, I ask you Lord to restore the reverential and obedient fear of the mighty God. 1

Lord I want to repent for myself and past generations who spoke harshly against Your body and the brethren. Lord, I repent for coming into agreement with anybody who spoke against the body of Christ. Lord, I choose now to bless those and speak health and wholeness to those things I don’t understand of Your body.

Jesus, I repent for agreement with the spirit of slavery of choosing to be subject to the law and to not be free as a son and daughter. I choose to birth forth the promises of God and his inheritance in me. I declare that this is the set time of the Lord and I will be realigned with the new Jerusalem.

Lord, I repent for grasping onto the world instead of you. Lord I repent for getting caught up in the generational addictions rather than your generational blessings. I ask you for your forgiveness and your redemption for the rest of my days.

Father I repent for myself and my generational line for often being a people pleaser rather than a God pleaser. I declare that as for me and my household, we have stepped over the line to serve you. From this day forth I am a God-pleaser rather than a man pleaser.

Lord I ask you to forgive me for not trusting you. Lord I ask you to untangle my feet. I ask you to forgive me for not being able to jump over the fences of offenses. I ask that you would continue to show us our inheritance that we should receive that you have already given.

I choose to forgive all of those in my family line who were involved in Satanism and corporate mind control in efforts to pervert and abort God’s plans and promises.

Father I forgive all offenses of those who have traumatized me and my past generations. I thank You for cleansing all pathways and ungodly heavenly places so that I can be seated with Christ in heavenly places.

I thank You for redeeming me from my past. The past is not my identity. I leave the past at Your feet and choose to pursue the destiny and inheritance You have for me.

I choose now to take the key of faith to unlock my inheritance that I may step forward into my destiny, my calling, and my anointing. I choose to be a restorer of all things.

I want to have faith like Abraham who searched diligently for the city whose builder and maker is God. Help me fix my eyes on Your destiny, Your will, Your plan for me.

I thank You that You have made me Your son.

Lord would you disconnect me from the things of the earth and remove the sin and the snares that so easily entangles2 and hinders me from running the race marked before me.

Father I ask You to establish your glory on me and be my rear guard.3 Lord please establish Your plumb line between my inner man and Your throne.

Lord I remember Your body that was broken for me and Your blood that was shed for me. I accept the sacrifice that You gave for me on the cross.

Lord, please remove all contamination on the elemental spirits.4 I recognize that this contamination has come from the human traditions and the basic principles of the world rather than from Christ.5

Lord, please realign my spirit, soul, and body to Your plumb line.6

Lord, as You created Adam from the dust of the earth and breathed into him Your breath of life so breathe on the elements of my life.

I choose to die to myself and to the world and to lay down my life as a living sacrifice.7

I declare that my heart will be encouraged and knit together in love and attaining to all wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding that results in the true knowledge of God’s mystery which is Christ Himself.8

I declare that I am a living stone and will operate in unity with the body of Christ.

1. Isaiah 11:2
2. Hebrews 12:1

3. Isaiah 58:8

4. Galatians 4:3-5, 9. Colossians 2:8,20

5. Colossians 2:2

6. Zechariah 4:10, Amos 7:8

7. Romans 12:1,2

8. Colossians 2:2

Monday, December 11, 2006


Will post some cute fotos as soon as mom and dad send some in...
He is a big one, too. 8 lbs. 3 oz. 21 inches...and gorgeous just like his mom n dad.

Thank you, Lord for keeping my daughter and grandson safe and healthy.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


If you are like me and love to listen to all kinds of good music--you will love these great sites...
Jewish singer who sings reggae...

listen to Jerusalem, Youth and King without a Crown

cool afro beat christian music by this group...really neat

I could sing of You..did you feel the mountain tremble?

One thing Is needed

beautiful folk singer...listen to lyrics

Armor of God

ARMOR OF GODTHE GIRDLE OF TRUTH: I am God's child on God's journey, seeking and expressing only the truth.
THE SANDALS OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE : I will be a peace maker; an instrument of peace. Blessed are the peace makers.
THE BREAST PLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS : This breast plate will protect me from responding to people and things emotionally. It will protect my emotions.
THE HELMET OF SALVATION : Protect my mind and my thinking God, so that I can think only true thoughts, pure thoughts.
THE SHIELD OF FAITH : I place my trust in you God. No satanic powers can touch me. I am walking in faith, hope and charity.
THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT : The sword of the spirit is the Word of God; when satan attacks I can deflate and ward off his blows. This is my offensive weapon.
p.s check out link, great info

But Daddy , I'm sleepy

must i really brush my teefies, dad?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

the lil philosopher

here's our lil marshmallow in some serious adorable is that?

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Happy Father's Day to all the daddies...

You're more thanA son-in-law to meThat word doesn't describeThe man I seeYou make the "in-law"Part drop awayFor you, son isA better word to sayA son-in-lawAny man can beBut your value to our familyMeans much more to me

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Send in your fotos or comments!

Remember this is your space where you can share family news, fotos, recipes, or just what's going on with you. love, gloria

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Celebration, time Come on!...

here we find the family doing what we all do best...eating and catching
up on bidnez...forget the candles...let's eat the cake! much fun..!

Such a beautiful couple..we love you, Alex n Vanessa

Seriously, don't they just make a gorgeous your mama
can't wait to be a grandma...IT IS THE BEST THING NEXT TO GETTING
MARRIED AND BEING A MOM of course...this grannie knows what she
is talking about...

Happy Birthday, Alex

Estas son las mananitas, que cantaba el Rey David...
A los guapetones chachos , se las cantamos asi...
Despierta muchacho, anda..mira que ya grande estas..
Toma a esa muchacha hermosa y no la dejes tu ir.

Porque nos gusta para, sobrina y mama de unos
hermositos bambinitos que llenen ya tu balcon.
Ajua, a ver quien lo lee y se la canta...haha..
Really Ale, Vanessa is so guys look
like you both were meant for each other. you, your tia gloria

Celebrating Carrie's B.D.

Happy Birthday, Tia Carrie...most of the clan was there to celebrate her 76th b.d.

Gee whiz, no wonder the hump is getting heavier...haha...thanks, Bob for sending in
the foto...